  • Name : Prof. Y Srinivasa Rao
  • Designation :Head of the Department
  • Phone : --
  • Email : geology.ucst@aknu.edu.in
About department

          The department of Geology in the university was started in the year 2012 with a 2 year PG program in M. Sc. Geology (Petroleum exploration specialization). In 2017 it has introduced a 2 year PG program i.e., M. Sc. (Geophysics). Later, on 22.10.2021 the name of the department of geology has been changed as the department of Geo-Sciences to diversify its academics and to include more academic programs in various geoscience fields’ viz., geography, geo-environments etc.. At present the department offers two 2 year PG programs, two Ph. D. programs and one PG diploma program. The department has developed good infrastructure facilities for its academic activities. It has developed a good number of laboratories viz., Sedimentology laboratory, Geochemistry laboratory, Micro-Palaeontology laboratory, Petrology laboratory and a Geological Museum with the financial support from ONGC and Remote Sensing and GIS laboratory was established with the support of the University. The department has qualified faculty members having different specializations like Geophysics, Hydrogeology, Petrology, Remote Sensing etc. In addition university also invites several experts from other universities, industries and research organisations for delivering invited talks/ expert lectures to students. The department at present runs the student chapters of Society of Petroleum Geophysicists of India and Indian Geophysical Union.

Programs offered
S.No Name of Program Syllabus Intake
1 M.Sc Geology 20
2 M.Sc Geophysics 30
3 M. Sc. Geoinformatics --
4 Ph.D in Geology -- --
5 Ph.D in Geophysics -- --
6 PG Diploma in Mud Logging 15
S.No Name of the Teacher Designation Email Image Profile
1 Prof. Y Srinivasa Rao Professor ysr.geo@aknu.edu.in Prof. Y Srinivasa Rao Profile
2 Prof. K V Swamy Professor kvs.geo@aknu.edu.in Dr. K V Swamy Profile
3 Dr. K Nooka Ratnam Associate Professor knr.geo@aknu.edu.in Dr. K Nooka Ratnam Profile
4 Dr. K Samule Peter Assistant Professor(Ad-hoc) ksp.geo@aknu.edu.in Dr. K Samule Peter --
5 Dr. K Sudha Rani Assistant Professor(Ad-hoc) ksr.geo@aknu.edu.in Dr. K Sudha Rani --
6 Dr. G Appa Rao Assistant Professor(Ad-hoc) gar.geo@aknu.edu.in Dr. G Appa Rao Profile
7 Ms. D Venkata Teja Assistant Professor(Ad-hoc) teja.geo@aknu.edu.in Ms. D Venkata Teja Profile


On the name of Late Dr. Vinaya Sunkara, a gold medal for MSc Geology Topper has been initiated funded by his father Dr. Sunkara Venkateswara Rao, a faculty in geology and a Founder of social organization: Vinaya Sunkara foundation.
Eligibility: Topper in MSc Geology, Department of Geosciences

List of Awardees:

  • 2015: Korada Tulasi Rao
  • 2016: Avugaddi Lakshmi Venkatesh
  • 2017: Manallapalli Oniel
  • 2018: Meleti Phaneendra Kumar
  • 2019: Kantamreddy Swamy


On the name of renowned micro-paleontologist and bio-stratigrapher Late. Dr. DSN Raju, Annual Endowment Award and merit certificate will be given to the first and second merit students in the subject of Stratigraphy and Paleontology in MSc Geology, Dept of Geosciences, UCST, AKNU.
Eligibility: First and Second toppers in Stratigraphy and Paleontology subject in MSc Geology, Department of Geosciences

List of Awardees:

  • 2020: First topper: Kunja Saritha (2082930007)
  • 2020: Second topper: Eeti Kalyani (2082930001)


On the name of founder member and geosciences promoter, Late Sri MVG Subramanyam, MASAA (Prof. C Mahadevan’s admirers and students association) Fellowship and merit certificate will be given to the class topper in 1st year MSc Geology.
Eligibility: Topper in 1st year MSc Geology, Department of Geosciences. Fellowship & Merit Certificate

List of Awardees:

  • 2020: Vemana Chaitanya (2082930011)